Admittedly, since KT's been in Melbourne, I haven't been doing midweek dinners out. Everyone else I've asked is either busy, claim that they have work the next day or prefer to do something on the weekend. So when KT said she'd be back for the Easter break, I was beaming. But instead of having a dinner during the week this time (given this girl's busy schedule where she was catching up people every day of the week that she was back), we opted for something a little different which was to catch up on a Saturday during the day. KT suggested a place that was near her old work and very conveniently, we could visit the Glebe markets that were on nearby.
Ironically, Abercrombie St. is just on my way to work (about 10 minutes walk from Central Station). You turn left at the pub and for a good stretch of road, there really doesn't appear to be much but after you walk by a wedding gown boutique, some abandoned buildings, you'll find a niche little cafe called 'Cafe Giulia's' right on the corner.
The menu is up on the blackboard behind the counter and it's an open kitchen stretching right to the back where there's a little courtyard if you choose to sit outside. On a Saturday mid-morning/lunch, it's packed. Here's my chicken burger with bacon and a grapefruit & watermelon juice.

KT gets the chicken burger without the bacon. A wise choice given how big the burger bun is. I was stuffed!

As we chatted our weekend away, we watched in awe as a rather cute looking chef served up breakfast after breakfast of scrambled eggs, eggs on toast, full breakfasts, bagels, and more to a crowd that only got bigger as we ate. We both agreed that if either of us were to ever open a cafe, it would be one like this. An open kitchen, a chalkboard menu, cute chefs, great music, and most importantly, delicious food in most satisfying portions.
Overall the cafe is very relaxed and down to earth. You pay, you find yourself a table, you sit there for as long as you like and feel free to pull out a book and read if your heart so desires. Service was friendly (our waitress helped us to find a table) and gosh, I love it!!! Prices are reasonable and won't break your wallet; even more reason for me to be loving it! Thanks KT (as usual) for an awesome day out!!