Sunday 4 May 2008

kura @ ultimo road, haymarket

Our last time at Kura (the little Jap restaurant on the corner across from Market City) was probably a whole year ago - it's one of my favourites which I would love to visit more often and always look forward to when the opportunity arises. On this particular occasion, J&I had been looking forward to grabbing a quick meal before the Chinese Spectacular which we were seeing at the Entertainment Centre that happened a couple weeks back.

Having managed to score the last 2 seats in the restaurant (the restaurant probably sits about a dozen in total), we were admittedly a little surprised to find that all the prices had gone up since our last visit. In the past, you could've easily gotten away with change for a $10 note; now you're looking at close to $15 for a meal which to be honest isn't going to break your wallet but given the same thing was cheaper before, it is a little annoying.

J's Karage Chicken (I swear he always get this) . In one word... delicious!Teriyaki Chicken which turned out to be a tad disappointing. The teriyaki sauce was great but the chicken was dry and tasteless.
First time eating dessert at Kura. Green tea ice cream which came with 2 little fish waffles stuffed with red bean paste - all accompanied by a cup of hot green tea. Again...delicious!
Getting seated at the Entertainment Centre for the show.
After the show: a sundae from Lindt Cafe (enjoyed sitting on the wooden planks with our legs dangling over the harbour). The queue at Lindt was massive and we hardly stood a chance at getting a table.
And so the night ended with my belly filled to the brim :P

Thanks Kelly for the invite to the show - apologies that we didn't really get the chance to catch up properly (must do soon!)


ChocolateSuze said...

heh wow youre on a roll with the posts!

panda said... be honest, i'm still a month out with my posts (almost there now)

and argh...if i don't see you soon, i'm gonna have to get your little presents in the post!