Monday, 13 October 2008

happy birthday em!

A month or so long lapse in blogging has left me with a serious backlog of posts! I don't know where my time goes and my intention is not to abandon this blog - it's just I can't seem to find the time. Thanks for the reminder K that I need to get back to the blogging; back at it now and hopefully will be able to keep it up. Glad to hear that I have a loyal reader such as yourself who keeps up with my food musings and rambles!

Anyway, was at Kobe Jones for Em's 30th. It was actually a surpise b'day that another girl from work had organised - about half a dozen or so people were there from work and the whole table was about 20 or so including Em's friends, family as well as partners.

Clare, Em & Me (against the pretty wall)
Em & one of her brothers. Love the pose!
Clare & Me.
For dinner, we had the Banquet Menu which had Edamame, the No. 1 Special, Sashimi Salad, Scallop Carpaccio, Chicken Karage, Beef Tataki, Crunchy Roll, Grilled Beef Tenderloin, Miso Soup & the Ama Ozen (the mixed dessert platter). Plenty of food that was matched to an equivalent amount of alcohol :P Here's a photo of the Ama Ozen which I thought was pretty cool (must be new I think) but basically there was a blue flame on the Green Tea Creme Brulee when it came to the table - making the sugar topping on the creme brulee nice and crunchy as it should be.

As photographed by J.
Happy B'day Em!
Em - can't wait till you come back from maternity leave. Miss you! Hope you had a fantastic b'day!

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