Monday, 21 January 2008

tgg catchup @ chocolate kkomz, eastwood

I almost can't believe how quickly the year is speeding by! Had the first catch up of 2008 with the tgg girls at Chocolate Kkomz in Eastwood (on a day that was stinking hot and we were more than relieved to take comfort in the air conditioned restaurant; with our arms up in the air to request a further air con unit be turned on cause it was that hot). Thankfully, the waitress was sweet and met our request; and really, it wasn't a big ask given Christine walks in and goes 'I'm dripping!' (I'm serious, this is literally what she said!)

There was the rather dismal conversation of us 'turning 24' this year but besides that, we enjoyed a rather scrumptious Saturday lunch with each of us picking a main each and then proceeding to dig in.

My choice: omelette rice.
Grace's choice: Kimchi rice.
Godi's choice: Bibimbab with a heart shaped egg. I take back my argument with Andy and admit that maybe this restaurant is made for couples (well if you order the bibimbab anyway).
Me & Grace.
Christine, Mich & Godi.
Christine had a rather unusual choice of lunch that consisted of icecream, cream, cereal and fruits (can't remember the name of it but it was from their dessert menu). I got home and realised that I didn't actually take a picture but I assure you, it looked good!
Have to say though, rice is heaps filling on a hot day! Anyway, thanks all for a great day out!

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